Editorial Team

Chief Editor

Prof. Dr. Ina Ismiarti Shariffuddin
MBChB (Dundee), MAnaes (UM), AMM, Fellowship in Paediatric Anaesthesia (Sing)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Deputy Chief Editors

Prof. Dr. Azrina Md Ralib
BMedSc (St. Andrews), MBChB (Manchester), MMed Anaesthesiology (USM), PhD (Otago), PgDip Islamic Studies (IIUM)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Medicine, International Islamic University, Pahang, Malaysia

Dr. Shahridan Mohd Fathil
MBBS (Malaya), FRCA (England), FAMM FEWM

Department of Anaesthesiology, Gleneagles Hospital Medini, Johor, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chaw Sook Hui
MD(USM), MAnaes(UM), PhD(UM), Clinical Fellow Paediatric Anaesthesia

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Section Editors: Airway

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maaya
BSc (St. Andrews), MBChB (Manchester), FRCA

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof Dr. Rhendra Hardy Mohd Zaini
MD (USM), MMed Anaesthesiology (USM)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia

Section Editors: Critical Care

Dr. Wan Fadzlina Wan Muhd Shukeri
MBBChBAO (Ireland), MMed Anaesthesiology (USM), PhD (IIUM)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Rafidah Atan
MBBS (Malaya), MAnaes (Malaya), FANZCA, EDIC, PhD, GradCertClinSim, GradCertHighEd, FAMM

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Section Editors: Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noorjahan Haneem Md Hashim
MBBS (Malaya), MAnaes (Malaya), Fellowship in Cardiac Anaesthesiology (IJN), MSc (Med Ed) (USM)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dato’ Dr. Yong Chow Yen
MD (USM), MMed Anaesthesiology (UM), FRCA (UK), Fellowship in Cardiac Anaesthesia and Perfusion

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Hospital Pulau Pinang, Jalan Residensi, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Section Editors: General Anaesthesia

Assoc Prof. Dr. Azarinah Izaham
MD (UKM), MMed Anaes (UKM)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Rahiza Wan Mat
MBChB (Otago), MMed Anaes (UKM)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loh Pui San
MBBS, MMed Anaes, FANZCA, Transplant Fellow (Cambridge, UK)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Section Editors: Neuroanaesthesia

Dr. Jeyaganesh Veerakumaran
MBBS (UWI) MMed Anaesthesia (UKM), Member and Fellow of the Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan
MD (UKM), MMed Anaesthesiology (USM), Fellowship in Neuroanaesthesia (Toronto)

Deparment of Anaesthesiology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia

Section Editors: Obstetric Anaesthesia

Dr. Lee Meng-Li
MBBS (UM), MMed Anaes (UM), FANZCA, Fellowship in Obstetric Anaesthesia

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Hospital Pulau Pinang, Jalan Residensi, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Dr. Carolyn Yim Chue Wai
BSC (Bio), MBBS (IMU), MAnaes (UM), Fellowship Obstetric Anaesthesia (Aus)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Section Editors: Paediatric Anaesthesia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rufinah Teo
MBBChBAO (Ire), MMed Anaes UKM (Mal), Fellowship in Paediatric Anaesthesia (Melb)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Section Editors: Pain Medicine

Prof. Dr. Marzida Mansor
MD (UKM), Manaes (UM), AMM, Specialist Medical Module in Hypnoanaesthesia and Hypnosedation (LCCH), Fellowship in Pain Management and Research RNS (Sydney, Australia)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. Ahmad Afifi Mohd Arshad
MBBCh (Cairo), MMED Anaesthesiology (USM), Fellowship in Pain Medicine (RPH/Mal)

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Kedah, Malaysia

Section Editors: Regional Anaesthesia

Dr. Beh Zhi Yuen
MD (UPM), MAnaes (UM), EDRA, Fellowship in Regional Anaesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine (Spore), Diploma in Interventional Pain (Montpellier)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Assunta Hospital, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Orthopaedic Specialist Centre, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Dr. Lim Siu Min
MBBS (IMU), MAnaes (UM), Fellowship in Chronic Pain (Toronto)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Statistical Editors

Dr. Abqariyah Yahya
BSc Stats (UKM), MSc Stats (UKM), PhD MSc (KI)

Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. Edre Mohamad Aidid
MBBS (IIUM), DrPH Epidemiology (UPM)

Department of Community Medicine, Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, Pahang, Malaysia

Journal Manager

Dr. Ngoi Soo Tein
PhD (UM)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Technical Reviewer

Miss Foong Yi Xian
BSc (Hons)

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Advisory Board


Prof. Dr. Chan Yoo Kuen
MBBS (Malaya), FFARCS (Ireland), FAMM

Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Critical Care

Prof Dato’ Dr. Mohd Basri Mat Nor
MBChBBAO (Ireland), MMed Anaesthesiology (UM), EDIC

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia, Pahang, Malaysia

Pain Medicine

Dr. Mary Suma Cardosa

Pain Clinic, Department of Anaesthesia, Selayang Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia

International Editorial Board

Prof Dr. Michael G. Irwin
MbChB (Glasgow), DA (UK), FRCA, FHKCA, FHKAM (Anaes), MD (HK), FANZCA (Hon), FCAI (Hon)

Daniel CK Yu Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Chief of Service, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Gleneagles Hospital, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

Prof. Dr. Manoj Karmakar

Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Prof. Dr. Pankaj Kundra

Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Jawarhalal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India

Prof. Dr. Nuala Lucas

London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rob McDougall
MBBS, Grad Cert HealthProfEd, FANZCA, GAICD

Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Prof Dr. John Pickering
BSc (Hons) PhD, BA (Hons)

Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Christchurch School of Medicine, Christchurch, New Zealand

Prof. Deepak Sharma

Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

Prof. Dr. Kim Tae-Yop

Department of Anaesthesiology, Konkuk University Medical Center, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea

Prof. Dr. André van Zundert

Professor of Anaesthesiology, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Chair, Burns, Trauma and Critical Care Research Centre, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Chair, Centre for Excellence and Innovation in Anaesthesia, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital/University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Professor and Chairman, Discipline of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia