Manuscript submissions are conducted entirely on the MyJA website. All communications and handling of files among editorial staff, authors, and reviewers should be limited to the website, which has proper settings to ensure transparency and confidentiality throughout the process. Once authors have submitted their manuscript, they will be contacted via the journal's email notification system throughout the publication process. Since emails sometimes fall in the spam folder, it is recommended that authors check their spam folder regularly and add MyJA to their list of trusted contacts.

View Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted manuscript has not been previously published, partially or fully, in another journal and is not under consideration before another journal.
  • The manuscript adheres to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The manuscript adheres to the Ethics and Malpractice Policy found in the relevant section on the MyJA website.
  • The manuscript has been sufficiently anonymized for double-blind review.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice document file format (.doc or .docx format).
  • The cover letter is submitted in a separate document file.
  • The title page is submitted in a separate document file.
  • The main body of the manuscript is submitted in a separate document file.
  • The main body of the manuscript contains the following components: manuscript title, abstract, main text, figure legends, tables, references, and appendix.
  • The Declarations section is submitted in a separate document file.
  • Submissions containing individual patient data (clinical images and data) have completed and attached the MyJA Informed Consent for Publication signed by the corresponding author.
  • Figures are submitted as separate files in JPG, TIFF, or PNG format and have a resolution of at least 300 DPI.
  • All figures are cited in the text and figure captions are provided at the end of the manuscript.
  • Copyright permission has been obtained and is included for any table, diagram, or illustration to be reproduced from other publications.
  • All tables are cited in the text and provided at the end of the manuscript.
  • All references are cited in the text and included in the Vancouver format in the reference list. Where available, URLs for the references are provided in the form of DOIs.

Author Guidelines

Please download the Author Guidelines before submitting your manuscript. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the Author Guidelines will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision before undergoing peer review, delaying processing times. Please note that manuscripts that do not comply with the guidelines after one technical revision will be automatically declined. Authors are welcome to resubmit to MyJA once they have revised the manuscript in compliance with the guidelines. Resubmitted manuscripts will be handled as new submissions.

MyJA endorses the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations) published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). We strongly recommend that authors review the ICMJE’s Preparing a Manuscript for Submission to a Medical Journal, as it provides a helpful framework to prepare clear and well-structured articles.

Original Articles

Original articles are full length papers that address research questions with exhaustive study design and methodology. It is recommended, but not mandatory, that authors follow the reporting guidelines specific to their study design available from the EQUATOR Network: examples include CONSORT for randomized trials, STROBE for observational studies, PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and STARD for studies of diagnostic accuracy.
Word limit: 3,500 words excluding abstract, references, and appendix.
Abstract: Maximum of 250 words structured into four headings: introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Provide a minimum of two and a maximum of five keywords or short phrases that will assist in cross-indexing the article using appropriate terms from MeSH (not included in the abstract word limit).
Tables: Maximum of 4.
Figures: Maximum of 6.
References: Maximum of 40.
Please refer to MyJA's Author Guidelines before submitting for a comprehensive overview of requirements.


Case Series and Case Reports

Case series feature more than three cases that describe interesting or uncommon clinical cases with educational value. It is recommended, but not mandatory, that authors follow the CARE reporting guidelines.
Word limit: 2,000 words excluding abstract, references, and appendix.
Abstract: Unstructured in a maximum of 200 words summarizing the salient points of the article concisely and clearly. Provide a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 keywords or short phrases that will assist in cross-indexing the article using appropriate terms from MeSH (not included in the abstract word limit).
Tables: Maximum of 4.
Figures: Maximum of 3.
References: Maximum of 15.

Case reports feature a maximum of two cases that describe interesting or uncommon clinical cases with educational value. It is recommended, but not mandatory, that authors follow the CARE reporting guidelines.
Word limit: 1,500 words excluding abstract, references, and appendix.
Abstract: Unstructured in a maximum of 200 words summarizing the salient points of the article concisely and clearly. Provide a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 keywords or short phrases that will assist in cross-indexing the article using appropriate terms from MeSH (not included in the abstract word limit).
Tables: Maximum of 2.
Figures: Maximum of 2.
References: Maximum of 10.
Please refer to MyJA's Author Guidelines before submitting for a comprehensive overview of requirements.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor should contain interesting observations and comments on the articles published in the journal. 
Word limit: Maximum 750 words.
Abstract: Not required.
Tables: Maximum of 1.
Figures: Maximum of 1.
References: Maximum of 5.
Please refer to MyJA's Author Guidelines before submitting for a comprehensive overview of requirements.

Brief Communications

Brief communications are short research articles that can take several different formats. Short articles include but are not limited to mini original research articles that follow the traditional Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion format. They can also relay valuable information on some teaching point, novel idea, unique approach, or innovative technology which could be the resultsof a pilot study, survey, or quality improvement activity.
Word limit: 1,500 words excluding abstract, references, and appendix.
Abstract: Unstructured in a maximum of 150 words summarizing the salient points of the article concisely and clearly. Provide a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 keywords or short phrases that will assist in cross-indexing the article using appropriate terms from MeSH (not included in the abstract word limit).
Tables: Maximum of 3.
Figures: Maximum of 3.
References: Maximum of 25.
Please refer to MyJA's Author Guidelines before submitting for a comprehensive overview of requirements.


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